• Act no.595/1990 Zb. on the State Administration for the Environment
  • Act no. 17/1992 Zb. on the environment as later amended by the Act no. 127/1994 Z.z., act no. 287/94 Z.z. and act no. 171/1998 Z.z.
  • Act no. 127/94 Z. z. on the evaluation of the impact on environment
  • Act no. 171/1998 Z.z. on the access to the environmental information
  • Act no. 222/1996 Z.z. on the organization of the local state administration
  • Act no. 247/90 Zb. on the organization of the Ministries and Other Central Officies of the State Administration
  • paragraphs 181a,181b, 181c and 181e of the Act no. 140/1961 Zb.- the Criminal Code Zákon č. 231/1999 Z.z. o štátnej pomoci
  • Act no. 231/1999 on the state aid (see § 9- State Aid for the Environment)

Protection of the Air

  • Act no. 309/1991 Zb. on the protection of the air against the pollutant substances
  • Act no. 134/1992 Zb. on the State Administration of the Protection of the Airspace
  • Act no. 76/1998 Z.z. on the Protection of the Earth Ozone Layer

Protection of the quality and quantity of water and its rational use

  • Act no. 138/1973 Zb. on water surfaces
  • Act no. 318/1991 Zb. about the State Water Management Fund of the Slovak Republic

Waste Management

  • Act no. 238/1991 Zb. on the Waste
  • Act no. 494/1991 Zb. on the State Administration in the Waste Management

Geologický výskum a prieskum- Geological research

  • Act no. 44/1988 Zb. on the Protection and Use of the Natural Resources
  • Act no. 51/1988 on the Mining, Explosives and the State Mine Administration

Protection of the Nature and the Country-side

  • Act no. 287/1994 Z.z. on the Protection of the Nature and the Countryside

The Spacial Planning and the Building Code

  • Act no. 50/1976 Zb. on the Spacial Planning and the Building Code


  •   Act no. 69/1998 Z.z. on the State Environment Fund