Last modified: 30.8.2004
- Constitutional Act No. 1/1993, the Constitution of the Czech Republic, as amended
- Charter of human rights and freedoms,
- Act. No. 40/1964, Civil Code, as amended
- Act No. 140/1961, Penal Code, as amended
- Act No. 200/1990, on Misdemeanours as amended
- Act No. 2/1969, on the Establishment of Ministries and Other Central Government Authorities of the Czech Republic (as amended);
- Act 101/2000, on Personal Data Protection and on Amendment of Certain Acts, as later amended
- Act 82/1998 on Liability for Damage Caused by Decision or Incorrect Administrative Procedure within the Framework of Execution of Public Authority and on Amendment of Act 358/1992 on Notary`s Offices and their Activity (Notary Code)
- Act 349/1999 on Ombudsman ( ´Public Defender of Rights´)
- Act No. 128/2000, on Municipalities (Municipal Order); as amended
- Act No. 129/2000, on Regional Authorities (regional Order) as amended
- Act No. 132/2000, on Amendments and Repeal of Certain Acts Related to the Act on Regions, Act on Municipalities and Act on the City of Prague, as amended
- Act No. 131/2002, on Arbitration of Jurisdiction Disputes
- Act No. 150/2002, on Administrative Judicial Procedure as amended
- Act 320/2002, on Amendment and Repeal of Certain Acts in Connection with Terminating the Activity of the District Authorities
II.1 Environmental Protection
- Act No. 17/1992 on the Environment, as amended
- Act No. 388/1991 on the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic, as amended
II.2 Land use planning
- Act No. 50/1976 on Land-use Planning and the Building Code (the Building Act) as amended,
- Resolution of Government No. 131/1998 on Land-use Plans,
- Resolution of Government No. 132/1998 Implementing Certain Provisions of the Building Act,
- Resolution of Government No. 137/1998 on General Technical Requirements of Construction,
- Resolution of Government No. 26/1999 on General Technical Requirements in the Capital City of Prague.
II.3 Environmental information
- Act No. 123/1998 on the Right to Environmental Information. as amended II.3. Environmental impact assessment
- Act No. 244/1992 on Environmental Impact Assessment of Conccpets and Programmes, as amended
- Act No. 100/2001 on Eenvironmental Impact Assessment and Amendments of Certain Acts as amended
- Decree No. 457/2001 on Expert Qualification and on Regulation of Certain Other Issues
- Act 76/2002 on Integrated Prevention Pollution Control, on Integrated Pollution Register and on Amendment of Certain Acts as amended
III.1 Air protection
- Act No. 86/2002 on Air Protection and on Amendment of Certain Other Acts (Act on Air Protection) as amended, Resolution of Government No. 350/2002 on Quality Limit Values and conditions and Ways of Monitoring, Assessment and Control of Air Quality as amended,
- Resolution of Government No. 351/2002 on Binding Emission Ceilings for Certain Air Pollutants and Ways of Preparation and Carrying out Emission Inventory and Emission Projections as amended,
- Resolution of Government No. 352/2002 on Emission Limit Values and Other Conditions for Operating Combustion Stationary Air Pollution Sources,
- Resolution of Government No. 353/2002 on Emission Limit Values and Other Conditions for Operating Other Stationary Air Pollution Sources,
- Resolution of Government No. 354/2002 on Emission Limit Values and Other Conditions for Waste Incineration
- Decree of No. 355/2002 on Emission Limit Values for VOCs and Other Requirements for Operation of VOC Sources Concerning Applying Organic Solvents Processes and Storage and Distribution of Petrol,
- Decree No. 356/2002 on List of Pollutants, General Emission Limit Values, Ways of Communicating Reports and Information, Determining Emitted Pollutants Volumes, Darkness of Smoke, Acceptable Level of Nuisance Smell and of Smell Intensity, Conditions for Authorisation of Persons, Requirements for Running Operational Register of Air Pollution Sources and Conditions of Their Implementation,
- Decree No. 357/2002 on Requirements for Fuel Quality from the Point of View of Air Protection,
- Decree No. 358/2002 Determining Conditions of Ozone Layer Protection
- Resolution of Government 112/2004 on National Programme of Reduction in Emissions of Solid Pollutants, Sulphur Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxide from Existing Specially Large Combustion Plants
III.2 Water resources protection
- Act No. 254/2001 on Water and on Amendments of Certain Acts (Water Act) as amended,
- Resolution of Government No. 61/2003 on Parameters and Values of Acceptable Water Pollution, Requirements and on Elements of Permit for Waste Water Discharge into Surface Water and into Sewerage System and on Sensitive Areas,
- Resolution of Government No. 71/2003 Determining Surface Water for Life And Reproduction of Original Species of Fish and of Other Water Fauna and on Indicating and Quality Assessment of such Water,
- Resolution of Government No. 103/2003 on Vulnerable Areas and Use and Deposit of Fertilizers and Yard Manure, on Changing Crops and Carrying out and Erosion Control Measures,
- Decree No. 292/2002 on River Basin Areas,
- Decree No. 293/2002 on Fees for Waste water Discharge into Surface Water,
- Decree No. 7/2003 on Water Registration
- Decree No. on Surface and Ground Water Condition and on ways of Saving Data in Public Administration Information System,
- decree No. 140/2003on Water Planning,
- 159/2003 on Specifying Surface Water for the Use as Bathing Water
III.3 Land protection
- Act No. 334/1992 on Agricultural Land Protection of , as amended
- Act No. 289/1995 on Forests and on Amendment of Certain Acts, as amended
III.4 Nature and landscape protection
- Act No. 114/1992 on Nature and Landscape Protection, as amended
- Act 100/2004 on Protection of Species of Wild Fauna and Flora by Regulating Trade Therein and on Other Measures to Protect These Species and on Amendment of Certain Acts (Act on Trade with Endangered Species)
- Regulation No. 395/1992 Implementing Certain Provisions of Act No. 114/1992 on Nature and Landscape Protection, as amended
III.5 Forest protection
- Act No. 289/1995 on Forests and on Amendment of Certain Acts as amended III.6 Waste management
- Act No. 185/2001 on Wastes and on Amendments of Certain Other acts as amended
- Decree No. 381/2001 Determining the Catalogue of Waste, List of Dangerous Waste and States for Export, Import and Transit of Waste and Approval Granting Procedure for Export, Import and Transit of Waste (Catalogue of Waste)
- Decree No. 83/2001 on Details of Waste Disposal
- Decree No. 376/2001 on Assessment of Dangerous Waste Properties
III.7 Chemicals
- Act No. 356/2003 on Chemical Substances and Chemical Preparations and on Amendment of Certain Acts as amended
- Act 353/1999 on Major-Hazardous Accidents Prevention Caused by Selected Dangerous Chemical Substances and Chemical Preparations and on Amendment of the Act 425/1990 on District Authorities, Their Powers and on Certain other Measures Connected with that (as amended) (Act on Hazardous Accidents Prevention) (as amended) (latest amendment: 82/2004)
- Resolution of Government No. 6/2000 on the Way of Assessment of Major Accident Prevention Policies and Safety Report, Contents of Annual Plan of Safety Inspections, Process of Inspection, Contents of Information and Contents of the Final Report
- Decree No. 7/2000 on Contents and Way of Preparation of Report Following a Major Accident)
- Decree No. 8/2000 on the Principles of Major Accident Risk Analysis, Contents and Way of Preparation of Major Accident Prevention Policy and Safety Report, Preparation of Internal Emergency Plans, Preparation of Base Information for Establishing Zones of Emergency Planning, and Preparation of External Emergency Plan, Content and Way of Communicating Information to the Public in Zones of Emergency planning
III.8 Health protection against noise and vibrations
- Act No. 20/1966 on Health Care as amended
- Act No. 258/2000 on Public Health Protection and on Amendment of Certain Acts as amended
- Resolution of Government No. 9/2002 on Technical Requirements for Products Concerning Noise Emissions as amended
- Resolution of Government No. 502/2000 on Health Protection against Detrimental Impact of Noise and Vibration as amended
III.9 Genetically modified organisms
- Act 78/2004 on Genetically Modified Organisms and Genetic Products
III.10 Nuclear Safety
- Act No. 18/1997 on Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy and of Ionising Radiation (Atomic Act) and on Amendment of Certain Acts, as amended